Overview of Placement

Campus placement holds a great importance for students in an educational institute. While, it helps a student in building a strong foundation for the professional career ahead with facing the real-world job struggle, peer-competition and family pressure, Campus placements opportunity provide the students with a foot-in- the-door opportunity, enabling them to start off their career right after they have completed their course curriculum at SSR Global Skills Park.

Total Placement

Total Campus Drive

Average placement

Message from CEO
Mr. Ram Ramalingam

Chief Executive Officer

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to our remarkable students for achieving outstanding placements year after year. Your dedication, resilience, and commitment to excellence have not only elevated your individual careers but have also reflected positively on the reputation of Global Skills Park. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the unwavering efforts of our faculty and the innovative programs that make our institute stand out. As we celebrate these commendable placements, let us continue to strive for even greater heights, solidifying Global Skills Park as a beacon of success in skill development.....

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Our Years of Success

4 Companies Visited
67Placed Students
Batch - 1
8 Companies Visited
64Placed Students
Batch - 2
9 Companies Visited
39Placed Students
Batch - 3
9 Companies Visited
46Placed Students
Batch - 4
10 Companies Visited
76Placed Students
Batch - 5
11 Companies Visited
85Placed Students
Batch - 6

Our Placement Partners

Contact Us

Placement Officer

Ms. Farha Naim

Placement Officer
: 6265211722
: farha.mpsdp[at]gmail[dot]com

Student Coordinator

Ms. Pooja Patel

: poojap53533[at]gmail[dot]com
: 626968078

Mr. Rohit Rathore

: rohitrathore9098[at]gmail[dot]com
: 9098959461